Pipe Down! Stop Noise Pollution in Prescott AZ

Prescott AZ has been blasted for too long by inconsiderate drivers of loud vehicles. Screaming loud exhaust pipes and stereos ruin neighborhoods, destroy precious peace and cause frustration among innocent citizens.

We are working to create and enforce restrictions on loud noise made by motorcycles and boom cars with loud stereos.

If the noise from rude vehicle drivers bothers you, join us in saving the peace of our town. Please sign this petition, and write your comments.
We the undersigned support strong legislation and enforcement of noise bans against motorcyles and cars that make loud noise with exhaust pipes and stereos, in the city of Prescott Arizona.

Noise from rude drivers is a blight upon our community, disrupting the peace, causing frustration and anger. We want our lovely, quiet hometown back!

Thank you for reading our petition and taking our comments seriously.
Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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