Release Peter Aziz

Shaman Peter Aziz age 51, was recently jailed for 15 months for supplying Ayahuasca to his patients.  The main compound found in this visionary healing drink is DMT.  This compound is listed as a Class A drug.  However every single person on this planet takes that drug every night when they go to sleep.  DMT is naturally formed in the Penial Glad in the brain it is what gives you dreams.  DMT has shown to remove Cancer, Depression, Drug Addiction, even rewrite your DNA code and best of all these amazing effects it can be done in one dose.
Its your body you should be able to take natural substances instead of a lab created medicine, at least you know whats in your natural remedy's.  
Recently you have jailed a Mr. Peter Aziz.  I find this matter worrisome to say the least.  I am voicing my opinion that he did nothing wrong.  Doctors can practice experimental treatments killing hundreds of thousands each year but yet Peter cant give his patience a treatment they requested that's been practiced for longer then this land has been charted.  DMT the main compound in Ayahuasca is administered to every, man women and child on this planet every night when they sleep.  That chemical is naturaly produced in the brain.  It is what causes dreams.  you have jailed a giver of dreams.. There have to be better ways to spend your money.
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