Remake of rocket knight adventures

Rocket knight adventures was a true konami classic; one of the best games in 93.

This is a game that surely deserves to be given a re-relase in hd, so new fans can experience this sorely underrated classic.

From Epic bosses, to flying in space, using your reflection in lava to avoid death, boxing your arch nemesis, flying through space taking down a whole armada in the process and saving the day and barely making it back to to earth in one piece, this game really raised the bar and everyone deserves to play this classic.

With this petition we aim to get konami to remake this game so that future generations can enjoy this great game.

Undersigned Martin Williams.
We the undersigned

Would love a remake of rocket knight adventures, it was a great classic and could really become even more of a classic if it was updated to hd for todays audiences that missed out on this game or never had the chance to play it back then.

Thanks for taking the time to read My letter.
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