Request Jamie Freeze to remove offensive dehumanizing headline in her story titled HE/SHE/IT

41% of all Transgender people attempt suicide at one time or another in their life. We need to try and help bring that number down. Life, in general, is very difficult for transgender humans. We have to face ridicule, discrimination, unbearable costs of treatment, unemployment, homelessness and sometimes just having no hope whatsoever.
He/she/it goes to college
The last thing someone in such a vulnerable community needs to see is to be referred to as "It". Dehumanizing. This is by far the worst name you can call someone who is transgender. Everyone in the world knows this accept Jamie Freeze, who believe it or not, is a law student.
Please let her and RenewAmerica know what you think about this.

Jamie Freeze contact (from the article):  j.l.freeze@juno.comRenewAmerica's contact Include GLAAD :

Dana Lane Taylor
41% of all Transgender people attempt suicide at one time or another in their life. We need to try and help bring that number down. Life, in general, is very difficult for transgender humans. We have to face ridicule, discrimination, unbearable costs of treatment, unemployment, homelessness and sometimes just having no hope whatsoever.
He/she/it goes to college
The last thing someone in such a vulnerable community needs to see is to be referred to as "It". Dehumanizing. This is by far the worst name you can call someone who is transgender. Everyone in the world knows this accept Jamie Freeze, who believe it or not, is a law student.
Please let her and RenewAmerica know what you think about this.

Jamie Freeze contact (from the article):  j.l.freeze@juno.comRenewAmerica's contact Include GLAAD :
Dana Lane Taylor
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