Request To Use Whitney Houston's version of the National Anthem at next year's Superbowl

The reason why we should come together to sign this petition is to honor her legacy and show the world why her voice is the standard above all; and what better way to do this by resurfacing her Symbolic rendition of the National Anthem at next years Superbowl amongst hundreds of millions of viewers from around the world.

In 1991, Whitney performed what has become the most definitive version of our National Anthem, which has also become the blueprint that all versions thereafter has been compared to. As ultimate fans, we feel it would be an extraordinary honor to her legacy and our country to use her version at next year’s Superbowl festivities.

Whitney's rendition of our nations Anthem was symbolically used as an emblem during our country's hardest of times: The Gulf War and 9/11; therefore that is reason enough for her version to be reclaimed and re-issued at next year's Superbowl.
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