Carlynton S.O.S. Save Our Schools, Save Our Neighborhoods!

The Carlynton School District is currently conducting a feasibility study which may recommend CLOSING our neighborhood elementary schools in favor of new construction.

The undersigned urge the Carlynton School District to renovate both Crafton Elementary and Carnegie Elementary. Closing our community schools would be detrimental to our communities in the form of higher taxes, lower property values, and decreased population. We, the homeowners, parents, business owners and residents of Crafton, Carnegie and Rosslyn Farms DO NOT want Crafton Elementary School or Carnegie Elementary School closed because IT IS POSSIBLE to renovate and update older school buildings successfully at a fraction of new construction cost.

By signing this petition, we want the Carlynton School Board Directors and Administration to know that we OPPOSE any plans to close Crafton Elementary School and/or Carnegie Elementary School.
The undersigned urge the Carlynton School District to renovate both Crafton Elementary and Carnegie Elementary. Closing our community schools would be detrimental to our communities in the form of higher taxes, lower property values, and decreased population.

We, the homeowners, parents, business owners and residents of Crafton, Carnegie and Rosslyn Farms DO NOT want Crafton Elementary School or Carnegie Elementary School closed because IT IS POSSIBLE to renovate and update older school buildings successfully at a fraction of new construction cost.

By signing this petition, we want the Carlynton School Board Directors and Administration to know that we OPPOSE any plans to close Crafton Elementary School and/or Carnegie Elementary School.
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