Save Anna Centenary Library

As a citizen, student, reader, we should oppose Tamilnadu's decision to shift Anna Centenary Library to DPI complex. As public we are directly impacted by this decision. This library is Asia's Largest library with state of art facilities. Now it is time to call back this decision by signing this petition. When Anna Hazare fights against corruption, why this decision is not taken to Him? Why public money is wasted in such decisions? Let us sign this petition as online signature campaign to stop shifting OUR library.
As a citizen, student, reader, we should oppose Tamilnadu's decision to shift Anna Centenary Library to DPI complex. As public we are directly impacted by this decision. This library is Asia's Largest library with state of art facilities. Now it is time to call back this decision by signing this petition. When Anna Hazare fights against corruption, why this decision is not taken to Him? Why public money is wasted in such decisions? Let us sign this petition as online signature campaign to stop shifting OUR library.
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