Save Live 100.5 Birmingham (WWMM)


Dear Citadel Broadcasting,

We the undersigned believe that Live 100.5 Birmingham brings a different kind of music to the Birmingham area. It's not the same old, tiring music that every other station plays. Live 100.5 is an enjoyable listening experience--fresh and innovative in a stale and overplayed marketplace. Don't make the listeners of this beloved radio station suffer! Please reconsider your decision, and decide to keep this station playing our music!


We the undersigned believe that Live 100.5 Birmingham brings a different kind of music to the Birmingham area. It's not the same old, tiring music that every other station plays. Live 100.5 is an enjoyable listening experience--fresh and innovative in a stale and overplayed marketplace. Don't make the listeners of this beloved radio station suffer! Please reconsider your decision, and decide to keep this station playing our music! 

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