Save Our School, USM Child and Family Center

The USM Child and Family Center has been open for 35 years. It has always been part of the USM Mission " provide academic support services essential to the needs of the diverse student body. this commitment extends to creating a sense of university community and a vibrant, diverse, cultural environment for USM's students, faculty, staff, and the entire community of Southern Maine." The child care meets this mission at its most fundamental base.

The Child care at USM on the Portland campus was the FIRST in the state to get accreditation by NAEYC standards in 1988! It has maintained it's high quality for all these years. The Gorham campus has received its accreditation as of 2000.  All the staff are well trained and most have their degree in Early Childhood Education. USM child care is a 'lab school' for field placements and practicum sites, and a research/internship/observation site for faculty on campus. It serves students, Alum, faculty, and community members.

While this is a difficult time financially for USM and certain programs will be cut we the families and friends of students past, present, and future have come together to implore the members of the Board and the President of USM to look at this center as not a 'draw' on the finances of the University, but a service that is essential to the mission USM upholds.

Please sign this petition in your support of our school and our children.

Dear Selma Botman,

We, the undersigned, want you to know how important the Child and Family Center here at the University is to all of us. We feel very strongly that it is a core part of USM's mission to keep this vital piece of service to the community.
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