2011 MCPS Transportation Budget Petition

Jerry Weast, Superintendent of Schools, proposed to cut off all transportation for out of local buses, forcing any IB or magnet program students to find their own way to school. Many students, including myself, can NOT find this kind of transportation. Please spread the news about this problem. 
EDIT 1/18/10:
After being informed by Tim Hwang, MCPS SMOB[Student Member Of the Board] 2.0, I found this is not Jerry Weast's fault. Jerry Weast is more or less being forced to do this by the County Council and the State Government. He did not write every word or idea of that budget idea, although it is possible that he was influential in the making of this bill.Thanks Tim, for the help.
EDIT 2/25/10
Oh, and please go to http://mocosmob.blogspot.com/ for updates
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