Say no to Twilight, Filipino Version!

Say no to Takipsilim, The Filipino Version of Twilight. For me, as a Twilight SAGA lover. I got hurt when I heard about this idea. Read more about the PRESS RELEASE of Takipsilim at

If you read peoples reactions at you will find out how they don't like it too. Let's show ABS-CBN that this is a very bad idea. It's like ruining the real Twilight. So, you with me? Sign this petition!! Please.

PS, -- see that. I disapprove of it too. :(
Twilight SAGA lovers! Let's fight for our right, we have a right against this. Let's spread the word about it, and to ABS-CBN, I have nothing against you, but this might be for your own good too. You have paid millions, and it might go to waste, no one might watch this especially AVID TWILIGHT lovers. Please, discontinue this "Takipsilim" have you read people's reactions?? :|

--Happy Holidays, Regards, God Bless.
~kimmie, petition creator. :)
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