Tell FBI to Let U.S. Citizen Jamal Tarhuni Return Home

Jamal Tarhuni, an Oregon resident and United States citizen, was refused re-entry into the U.S. when he attempted to return home from Tunisia in January 2012. During a subsequent interrogation by the FBI, Tarhuni discovered that he had been placed on the No-Fly list for unknown reasons.

Tarhuni traveled to Libya three months ago to deliver medical supplies for Medical Teams International, a Christian nonprofit for which Tarhuni volunteers. He is currently surviving by staying with his extended family in Tripoli, but wants to return to his family in Oregon.

This is not the first time a U.S. citizen has been barred re-entry due to the No-Fly list, which has doubled in the last year. According to the ACLU, the list, which "deprives people fundamental rights without any notice or opportunity to object," is "unfair, unconstitutional, and un-American."

Act now to tell the FBI to remove Jamal Tarhuni from the No-Fly list and to allow him to return to his family in the United States.
We the undersigned urge you to remove Jamal Tarhuni from the No-Fly list and to allow him to return to his family in the United States. 

Tarhuni traveled to Libya three months ago to deliver medical supplies for Medical Teams International, a Christian nonprofit for which he volunteers. He is currently surviving by staying with his extended family in Tripoli, but wishes to return to his family in Oregon. 

Tarhuni has not been presented with any reason as to why he should not be allowed to return home, and barring him re-entry to the United States deprives him, as a U.S. citizen, of a fundamental right.

We therefore call on you to remove Jamal Tarhuni from the No-Fly list and allow him to return to his family immediately. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
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