Urge Macmillan to retain entry on Zionism

Macmillan Reference USA is currently facing pressure from Zionist lobbies to remove the entry on Zionism in its "Encyclopedia of Race and Racism". Please sign this petition to send a message of support to Macmillan and a plea against caving in to Zionist pressures.

We the undersigned urge Macmillan Reference USA of Gale - Cengage Learning to retain the entry on the ideology of Zionism in its publication "Encyclopedia of Race and Racism". We urge it to resist the demands of Zionist lobbyists asking for the removal or alteration of the above mentioned entry. We applaud Macmillan's effort to promote an honest and academic understanding of Zionism and believe it is pertinent to keep such information available to the public. We urge it not to cave in to any Zionist pressures or threats and to continue to allow for an honest evaluation of Zionism in the academic and public spheres.

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