• av: Little Dipper
  • mottagare: One Brooklyn Bridge Park Dog Parents

The new OBBP dog rules have been released.

We wholeheartedly agree with the new rules, excluding DNA sampling. We personally own and live full time in our condominium apartment here at One Brooklyn Bridge Park. We have our Pet Care Company based here and have two pups as well.

Talking about the rules...
Responsibilities of Dog Owners: This is a no brainer. All this requires is common human decency. This should include pet parents/dog walkers and nannies as well. Leashing and pet behavior concerns when not in the confines of your own home should be and is the #1 rule.

Dogs in Common Elements: This too makes perfect sense. Dogs shouldn't be allowed in amenity rooms or left outside apartments by pet parents/dog walkers/nannies. Leashes should be 6 feet in length or less (personally and as a company, we only use 4 foot leashes) and dogs should be kept by parents' sides. No 10 foot leashes or retractable leashes should ever be used. The closer to you, the better (and safer for all).

Dog Waste Outside OBBP: This is so absurd as there are many pet parents/dog walkers in the surrounding neighborhood that pass our building and the perimeter and could be responsible for leaving waste. It is however a good rule for all OBBP residents to use the side exits so dogs do not eliminate waste in front of the building or on the beautiful trees/ivy that the building is trying so hard to maintain.

Dog Waste in Common Elements: Pet parents/dog walkers/nannies should do their best to clean and/or report dog waste to the building concierge immediately. Again, this is a smart, simple rule. There are some older or sick dogs that have little or no control over this. We can however, do our best to clean/sanitize once this is done/reported.

Dog Walkers: This works for us. No outside dogs should be in the building or tied outside apartments. We, along with others should be registered as your dog walker. We, as a company only walk two dogs at a time and completely agree that only four dogs maximum should be walked within the building. Two is better, but understand why they chose four. We feel that dog walkers, other than Little Dipper (us) and Wag Club walkers do not care about what happens in our building, even tying a group of unsupervised dogs outside apartment doors. Steven Rosen/Alex Ambriz (us) and John Squires (owner of Wag Club) own apartments in the building and consider this entire building our home. We care deeply for the cleanliness and safety of all the dogs and owners alike.

Now, Registration of Dogs & DNA Testing; Enforcement of Dog Rules and Regulations, etc: Registration is a great idea. This will keep outside dogs out. Keeping track of dogs and walkers with pictures and a registry should be done, and included in all closing packages. All dog walkers should show proof of being bonded and insured as well. The DNA sampling part of it is an invasion of privacy of sorts and seems to be a waste of time, among other things. We are being forced to pay $75.00 per dog to register, plus possible DNA testing/violation fees. There has to be a more effective way to "catch" dogs and irresponsible owners/walkers/nannies in the act if they're not cleaning and/or reporting to the concierge.

Please sign our petition (for being against the DNA testing only). We need the other rules to keep us all safe and to keep up with the cleanliness and health of all the families in the building. 

Please forward to other pet parents in OBBP.  We can end DNA testing on our furry family members today!

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