Voice your disagreement with Hunter Mountain's decision not to run Nastar this season!

  • av: Roman Dvoracek
  • mottagare: Dear Mr. Tschinkel and other Hunter Mountain officials,

Dear Hunter Mountain Nastar participants and supporters,

As some of you may not know just yet, Hunter Mountain management has decided to pull the plug on Nastar Racing Program for the season 2013-2014 thus putting all of us, recreational Racers and Nastar regulars on the spot. Do they not realize there is a strong fraternity of Nastar Racers at Hunter Mountain? Most of us like to race every day Nastar is open, compete against each other, against out friends in various resorts thru-out the country, learn from our pacesetters, participate in Regional or National Championships and such.

Seems like some of us are already considering not to renew our Season Passes at Hunter because of their decision or have the already purchased passes refunded and consequently switch to Windham to be able to run Nastar freely but is this really necessary? Do the decision makers in Hunter Mountain realize just how much money they can actually lose by pulling the plug or they just hope this would be a needle in a haystack? 

If you're a Season Pass holder who likes to run the Nastar, if you are Nastar pass holder or simply if you just like to take a few runs here or there, please voice your unhappiness with this decision and sign this petition, maybe it's not too late to change their minds. We all love Hunter Mountain but part of this love affair is the Nastar Racing, let's try to show Hunter Mountain officials just how strong our contingency is!

Thank you for the support.

In order to understand the wording of this petition please note that it has been created in late October of 2013 before the season started. We didn't know what's going to transpire as there was essentially no info on Hunter Mountain website regarding the Nastar cancelation, we were only reacting to what has been rumored around which essentially ended up being the reality. Also please keep in mind we have not been able to reach all people usually participating in Hunter Nastar racing, not even close to it actually as our options to reach out were limited but since the season started the signatures keep accumulating as the word slowly gets around.

On behalf of our community of "Nastar Regulars" at Hunter Mountain I can honestly tell you that although we have been looking forward to the idea of RIP course as Nastar replacement it turns out to be very flawed, dangerous and mainly extremely boring. Subsequently this idea cannot replace the extremely popular Nastar daily races and its handicap system by any means. Each Nastar daily race is a real micro event we look forward to, we like our times and handicaps being nationally registered and recognized, we love to be able to race against our pacesetters, look up daily results on line and compete with our friends in other resorts based on handicaps. We look forward to the atmosphere each day brings and competitiveness it sparkles among us. That said we do understand certain issues Hunter Mountain is facing and problems that have to be solved in order to bring the Nastar back for the next season but we truly hope and believe you guys will find a way to make that happen. The idea of running the Nastar on Kennedy Drive on skiers right side of B-Lift columns sounds very exciting, it would definitely make Nastar more visible to general public and attract more participants, no question about it. Let me assure you that a vast majority of our contingency would have no issues paying more money for the Season Nastar Pass. I also think it would be extremely beneficial for Hunter Mountain officials to try and explore the ways how to utilize the volunteers, we're willing and able to offer our hand and help organize daily Nastar events.

Please make no mistakes, we do love Hunter Mountain very much and we're prepared to help in any way, shape or form to bring the Nastar back for the next season. We implore you to try and investigate every possible scenario to make that happen for us, dedicated Hunter "Nastar Regulars" as well as our fellow occasional Nastar participants.

Sincerely,         "The friends of Hunter Mountain Nastar Racing”

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