Save the Village

  • av: Ilya Stavitsky
  • mottagare: Minister of Advanced Education - Naomi Yamamoto, Camosun College President - Kathryn Laurin, Dean of Arts & Science at Camosun College - Stan Chung

Apr. 19, 8 PM - 8 AM Listen to our new show Occupied Night on!

Camosun College radio is under threat. We have been told it will end within the next 20 days. But we believe that it's worth saving!

Born in 1973 as the closed-circuit CAMO Radio, Camosun College's radio tradition has been heard live throughout Southern Vancouver Island as both an AM and an FM radio station, and even across the world online as The station has provided international news from the BBC and top-quality syndicated broadcasts like Woodsongs, The State We're In, Earthbeat and the Putomayo World Music Hour. 

Perhaps most importantly, the station has educated students in the Applied Communication Program with hands-on training—and those students not only hone their skills in radio communication, but also deliver local news, events, weather, ferries and traffic updates and much more to local and international listeners. is operated by the non-profit CKMO Radio society out of Camosun College, Victoria, B.C. It is the only place for Applied Communication Program students to acquire experience of being on air.

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