Nolanverse Dark Knight Riddler Movie

    The Nolanverse Dark Knight movies are considered by many to be the greatest version of the Batman story. Many still believe that The Dark Knight trilogy is the greatest series of comic book / superhero movies made to date. There is a contingent of fans that wish that a Riddler story would have been included in Nolan's Dark Knight series. In the Nolanverse, there is an 8 year gap between The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. This petition is to request that Christopher Nolan takes up the Batman mantle once more, bringing back the main cast of the Dark Knight trilogy, and make a Batman / Riddler movie that takes place during the 8 year period between The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. This movie could be much more of a detective story (which die-hard fans have long pined for) and stay true to established Nolanverse cannon in that yes Batman appears, but must both solve the riddle of who the Riddler is while struggling to stay hidden from the people of Gotham (who believe Batman is a murderer that has disappeared). This is an opportunity to bring the greatest Batman story ever told to the Silver Screen, from a man who already did that very thing with The Dark Knight. Mr. Nolan, how about giving us one more wild ride?!?
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