Topeka Reinstate Funding for Domestic Violence Law Prosecutions!

Victims of Domestic Violence in Topeka, KS have a better chance of winning the lottery than having the crime of Domestic Violence against them ever being prosecuted. 
Domestic violence remains a problem for the city of Topeka. The Shawnee County Commissioners cut Funding to DA for prosecutions of Domestic Violence Case's, the DA was forced to let the city Courts handle the misdemeanor charge of Domestic Violence. 
The City of Topeka 'decriminalized' Domestic Violence so it would not have to prosecute. The DA is now laying off 17% of the Staff so Domestic Violence is not only legal within the city limits but not being prosecuted at the County level due to budget cuts.
Shawnnee County Commissioners: Please reinstate Topeka's funding for the  prosecution  domestic abuse, and to prove to your citizens that the city of Topeka does not tolerate violence in the home. 
We, the undersigned, 

Request the Funding be reinstated that Shawnee County Commissioners cut to the  to DA for prosecutions of Domestic Violence Case's
Currently, Victims of Domestic Violence in Topeka, KS have a better chance of winning the lottery than having the crime of Domestic Violence against them ever being prosecuted. 

Shawnee County Commissioners: Please reinstate Topeka's funding for the  prosecution  domestic abuse, and to prove to your citizens that the city of Topeka does not tolerate violence in the home.

Thank you!
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