Charmed: The Video Game

  • av: Tyris Austin

We the undersigned, are petitioning for the release of a video game based on the hit TV show %Charmed. The platform we would like the game to be released under would preferably be PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PC or Mac.
The release of this game would be a wonderful way to officially end the show and it could possibly spawn sequels due to its success, which we are sure it will achieve. By signing this petition, we also agree that we would either definitely but the game or consider it. Thank you for reading this and hopefully you will consider taking our request on board.and the game would hopefully be realistic with alot of different important,climactic details from season1-8, with all the different main characters,too.
If we can't entertain fans by bringing the show back we could at least make a game.

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