In regards to the unnecessary ban on tetrabinary and aliases

We, the undersigned, find that the LiveJournal Abuse Team is wasting unnecessary time and resources in seeking and banning the user known as tetrabinary (and various aliases). His more recent aliases have been inoffensive and harmless, and your time could be better spent banning users that are actually offensive, and improving the overall quality of your site in general.

Every time you ban tetrabinary, he simply makes a new journal; this wastes a journal name that someone else could use and enjoy. In addition, every time he is banned, the drama surrounding him is increased exponentially and his fan base grows larger, so that the next time he is banned more of your loyal users are upset-- more users are upset by his bans by this time than would be if he was simply left to his own devices.

In short, this petition calls for the cessation of attempts to hunt down and ban tetrabinary for no further offense than ban evasion.
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