GLOBAL HUMANITY DAY ................................ THE PROCLAMATION

 Humanity Day The Proclamation

This proclamation of an annual celebration and acknowledgment of Humanity, addresses citizens worldwide who are collectively creating the future for generations to come. This proclamation is a call to being for all peoples.


We are Humanity and now have the capacity to intentionally create (or unintentionally destroy) the conditions on our planet to allow humanity and nature, of which we are a part, to flourish for millennia to come.


Our common future is being threatened by global warming, ecosystem and societal destruction. We as humanity, are committed to the flourishing of our species, ecosystems, and cultures, now and for generations to come.


As a social species, flourishing requires the experience of contributing to society and humanity.

Therefore, we commit…

To develop together the narratives, traditions, and social structures that will remind us as individuals that We Are Humanity and evoke the actions that will have us and nature flourish for at least the next million years. Further, we commit to developing and celebrating Humanity Day as an event to celebrate and share our common being, humanity.

We the undersigned, do support and recognize Humanity Day as the 4th Saturday in October annually, calling upon the President of the United States and the Leadership of the United Nations to officially declare the same, from this day forward.

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