Australia is using controversial facial recognition which is an invasion of privacy and unethical!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: The Australian Government

Australia is currently using imperfect, invasive facial recognition and artificial intelligence to monitor the activity of people in high risk areas like schools and public spaces. No one gets a say in whether or not they are monitored, and law enforcement agencies can use these technologies at will due to a lack of regulation.

Sign now! Urge the Australian Government to ban this technology and review the laws surrounding human rights and privacy for the Australian people.

Facial recognition is being used to profile and identify members of the public from online photographs. The Australian Human Rights Comission has detailed a number of concerns on the use of biometrics such as the risk of profiling and the risk of discrimination, incuding huge biases against people of color as well as the overall concern regarding mass surveillance. Australians have expressed their desire for technology that is safe, fair, and reliable and technology that builds a foundation of public trust.

With this technology spreading across the world, so too spread privacy issues regarding the legal implications of scanning, storing, and sharing facial images. The mass surveillance of large groups of people in Australia poses a human rights risk and is invasive to the life of the everyday Australian. 

Act now and tell the Australian government to work towards the introduction of laws thats protect people from privacy invasion through the use of artificial intelligence technology!

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