Save the many adventures of Winnie the Pooh at Disneyland Resort!!!

    A. A. Milne Winnie the Pooh is also part in Walt Disney history , that can’t be replaced at Disneyland resort , by the princess and the frog either in the future, I read the micechat article said “With Tiana’s Bayou Adventure shifting the theme of Critter Country more towards New Orleans Square, a thematically appropriate replacement for the Pooh attraction has been rumored. A replacement of the Pooh attraction would likely include a new theme for the adjacent Pooh Corner retail space. No official announcements have yet come from Disney.“ Carmen smith is ruining my childhood memories including splash mountain. So the only way to save critter country is to find another new attraction spot for princess Tiana rethemepiratesandtheCaribbean ride at New Orleans square into “Tiana’s Caribbean Journey” ,it’s about tiana and naveen honeymoon at Dominican Republic Caribbean after the royal wedding and Tiana’s restaurant ! And I know that you don’t want to replace jack sparrow and his pirate crew ,But I must do something To release pirates for freedom at Disneyland park at Disneyland resort ,with a move on petition and return home back to Disney’s Magic kingdom at Walt Disney world resort Orlando Florida , we’re they belong for a change!
    All participants democrats and republicans should have the chance sign the petition to save the many adventures of Winnie the Pooh plus critter country too at Disneyland resort for Winnie the Pooh indefinitely in the future!
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