Don't deploy a conscientious objector to Afghanistan!

  • av: James Matthew Branum
  • mottagare: Lt. General Lieutenant General Mark A. Milley (commander of Fort Hood and III Corps), Chuck Hagel (US Secretary of Defense)

We are asking people of conscience to support this campaign to stop the deployment of Private Chistopher Munoz, a US Army conscientious objector, to Afghanistan.

More information on his story can be found on his website, 

Dear Lt. General Mark A. Milley and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel,

We have signed this petition because of our concern for PV2 Christopher Munoz, a solder at Fort Hood who may soon be deployed to Afghanistan even though he has applied for conscientious objector status.

We believe that this deployment is a mistake. We urge you to take all appropriate actions to ensure that:

    • PV2 Christopher Munoz to be removed from the upcoming deployment.

    • PV2 Christopher Munoz not be deployed until such time as his CO claim has been heard.

    • PV2 Christopher Munoz’s rights under military law and regulations be respected.

 Very respectfully,

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