DEMAND Gillespie Field Stop harming your Property Value NOW!

Gillespie Field pilots have been instructed and are now flying over Lakeside homes in order to avoid the wealthier homes of Sky Ranch, Fanita Ranch, and Fletcher Parkway. Gillespie Field is not located in Lakeside and neither should the dangerous nuisance of their air traffic. This redirection over Lakeside airspace is causing economic obsolescence to all Lakeside Properties. Let's put a stop to El Cajon's Gillespie Field Nuisance Air Traffic and rude pilots who think their recreational activities are more important than our property valures. Lakeside is NOT an airport community. We did not buy our homes next to an airport. Santee and El Cajon share a border with Gillespie Field and they benefit from the tax use.  If you are interested in economic recovery, please sign the petition.

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