We, the undersigned completely disagree with the intention to take Fran Lyons newborn baby away

  • av: Beenleigh
  • mottagare: Family courts, social services
We the undersigned believe that the Social Services' intention to take Fran Lyons new born baby away from her, immediately after her birth, is completely wrong and should not happen. The decision by Social Services is as a result of an assessment made by a paediatrician (who hasn't met Fran) that she may suffer, from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.
Fran Lyon suffered from mental health issues when she was 16 years old, following a serious sexual assault, and received therapy for two years. She has not received or needed any mental health therapy since that time. Her treating psychiatrist has explicitly stated that she has no concerns whatsoever for Fran's mental health.
Fran Lyon should at the very least be allowed to stay in an assessment unit with her baby, Molly, pending an inevitable decision that she is capable of caring for her daughter independently.
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