Stop The Killing of Sadah

  • av: Al-Hasan Bin Ali
  • mottagare: United Nations, Non-Aligned Movement, Organization of the Islamic Conference, United states of America, Arab league, Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, European Union, Politicians, Human rights watch, & all who care about human life.

Sadah is a province in the North of Yemen. It has a population of 700,000. Since 2004 the Yemeni government has deployed 5 military campaigns against what is known as Al-Houthi's revolt.

Al-Houthi's revolt started in mid 2004, the reasons that:-:

Sheik Al-Husain al-Houthi, was a one-time political aspirant in Yemen, had wide religious and tribal backing in Yemen, centered mostly in Yemen's northern mountains. Al-Houthi's followers felt Yemen's government was too subordinate to the United States and lead protests against the United States and Israel at mosques. The government loathed this and told the Houthi's to stop the protests. The Houthi's refused to do so. The government then attacked the Houthi%u2019s captured a lot of young men put them in jail and tortured them. Some even were killed. The government put bounty of $ 55,000 on Al-Houthi's head.  So the Houthi's took to arms to protect themselves. Later Sheik Al-Husain Al-Houthi was killed. Yet, from then on, five different campaigns started from the Yemeni government side and stopped without resolving the real issues generated from this conflict.

Today the Yemeni Government as started the sixth campaign but this time it has used such force that it is usually used in big wars starting from airstrike to heavy artillery. This continuous vicious bombardment everywhere in Sadah destroying villages and killing a lot of innocent people has gone out of control as they hit even the refugee camps. Over 17,000 families have run away from their homes seeking shelter and sanctuary and because of the government blockade no one can get out and there is not safe place. All humanitarian help cannot reach the refugees  because of the blockade imposed by the government. A lot of people have sought the Saudi Borders but this is as far as they can get. As the Yemeni government is keen not to let anyone out.

We urge you to stop the Yemeni government from using crazy force on those people because soon it will be genocide. The Government should sit and talk with the Al-Houthi's and resolve the issues once and for all. Otherwise the problem will escalate and will spread like fire in the rest of the country and there will be a lot of bloodshed.

The Government and controlled media is covering up and changing a lot of the facts. Check with Human rights groups and Doctors without borders and they can give a better clearer picture.

We the undersigned urge you to stop the Yemeni government from using crazy force on the people because if it continous there will be genocide. The Government should sit and talk with the Al-Houthi's and resolve the issues once and for all. Otherwise the problem will escalate and will spread like fire in the rest of the country and there will be a lot of bloodshed.

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