Reject Adam I. Klein as Chair of the PCLOB

  • av: Freya H
  • mottagare: U. S. Congress
The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) was created in 2004 at the recommendation of the 9/11 Commission and was intended "to help the executive branch balance national security priorities with individual rights." is supposed to have five members, no more than three of whom come from the same political party; to employ a full-time chairperson; to have regular access to the 17 intelligence agencies; and to publish unclassified versions of its evaluations of U.S. espionage powers. However, as of March of this year, it is down to just one part-time member, and this lack of personnel has rendered it largely impotent.

President Trump has nominated Adam I. Klein, an advocate of mass surveillance, to run this board. This ravenous wolf hides under the sheep's clothing of helping law enforcement ferret out criminals and terrorists. He supports warrantless searches, which violate the Fourth Amendment's guard against unreasonable searches and seizures. Nominating Klein is like putting a member of the KKK in charge of protecting the rights of minorities.

Please vote against the appointment of Adam Klein to the PCLOB.
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