Save "Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital", Drogheda

The Health Service Executive is planning to change the name of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, the flagship hospital of the North East region.


The Lourdes Hospital is part of Drogheda's history, founded in 1957 by Mother Mary Martin and the Medical Missionaries of Mary when state intervention in healthcare was virtually non-existent.

It is the biggest employer in Drogheda and has provided healthcare and treatment to generations of Drogheda's men, women and children.

Changing the name will cost a significant amount of money at a time when the HSE is refusing to fund essential services in the Lourdes, like a second X-Ray room in the Emergency Department.

Let's save Our Lady of Lourdes from being re-named and with it a part of Drogheda's history we can all be proud of.

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