Change the Sexual Assault Policy at Columbia College Chicago

    • Columbia's sexual assault policy is as follows: Victims of sexual assault must contact a campus security officer or the Dean of Students Office to report the incident.

    • The security guard or Dean of Students will determine if the investigation will proceed. If it does, both the victim and the alleged perpetrator will be present for a trial in front of the board.

    • If there is not enough evidence and the victim is accused of lying, he or she may be suspended or expelled.

    • With this policy intact, victims are hesitant to report incidents.  Therefore, we are under the illusion that there is a low occurrence of sexual assaults.    

    • Students have no access to on-campus counselors trained in sexual assault and there is no sexual assault response training for RA's, security personnel and deans.

Sign our petition to help us make school officials change this policy.

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