overview petition
Petition to the President of the United States and members of the U.S. Congress.

We the people call on the U.S. Congress to establish an official federal paid holiday in honor of Compassion for Senior and Disabled Citizens, on the 15th of March. This should include a Compassion Day of service, education and awareness for community involvement, with the complement of offerings by the people of the United States toward Senior and Disabled Citizens.
Blessings Michael B. Villalpando

overview petition Petition to the President of the United States and members of the U.S. Congress. We the people call on the U.S. Congress to establish an official federal paid holiday in honor of Compassion for Senior and Disabled Citizens, on the 15th of March. This should include a Compassion Day of service, education and awareness for community involvement, with the complement of offerings by the people of the United States toward Senior and Disabled Citizens. Blessings Michael B. Villalpando

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