These Cops Forced A Man To Lick a Urinal - Fire Them Now!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Honolulu Police Department
Two male cops in Honolulu responded to a call about trespassing in a public restroom. When they arrived they decided to torture the homeless man they found, including making him lick a public urinal

The cops still have their jobs - will you sign on asking Honolulu Police Department to fire these men right now?

It's the definition of the system abusing it's weakest members with no recourse. John Rabago and Reginald Ramones decided to amuse themselves by violating a citizen's civil rights and the only conclusion that can be made here is these men shouldn't have any authority. Fortunately, they have been indicted and will hopefully face jail time. However, they shouldn't also keep their jobs!

The man who suffered this injustice is named Samuel Ingalls and his family is telling his story. It turns out the cops did more than the reported forcing him to lick the urinal, they also made him sit on it and forced his head into a toilet. Ingalls' mom says that her son is troubled and desperately needed help from the authorities. But this seems to be always how it happens in this country, the most vulnerable among us, the one the system should protect, are the one who suffer the most from abuses of power. 

Please sign on to demand these two men lose their jobs immediately. It's time we finally expel every cop who does things like this. 
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