The billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David, have bankrolled some of the most egregious anti-environmental efforts of the last decade. Their huge campaign donations have tilted the energy conversation away from smart energy use and alternative sources of power, and toward unbridled corporate control over natural resources. And in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the infamous Citizens United case, which lifted a ban on corporate spending in political elections, the Koch brothers' influence over American politics is without equal.


Koch Products & Companies Include:
- American Greetings (Kochs own minority share)
- Angel Soft bathroom tissue
- Angel Soft Ultra tissues
- Brawny paper towels
- Dixie cups (& napkins & plates)
- Insulair cups
- Mardis Gras napkins
- Perfect Touch (cups, paper products)
- Soft 'n Gentle bathroom tissue
- Sparkle paper towels
- Stainmaster
- Quilted Northern bathroom tissue
- Vanity Fair napkins & paper towels
- Zee Napkins
- Georgia Pacific products
Home/Office papers:
- Advantage
- Image Plus
- Spectrum

- Guardian Glass (Kochs own 44%)
- Stainmaster
- Lycra
- Teflon

Building supplies:
- Georgia Pacific

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