Changes for Epping School's Grading System

We the people of the Epping School District have come together to demand changes to our students current grading and education system. The current competency-based system that is being enacted in the Epping School District was hastily rolled out, with many questions from parents and students still left unanswered by our Superintendent and Administrators. This current grading system is not a true competency-based system and has many flaws.

While it is true that every district in the state of New Hampshire needs to be working towards Competency Based Education, how that system is rolled out can vary greatly. To say that we are less than impressed by the current system at the Epping School district is an understatement. We the parents respectfully come together to demand changes to this system as our children's futures are on the line.

For example- why are there only two tiers of grading- E, MC (passing) and AC, N (failing)? How does this affect higher education? Scholarships? Car insurance for good students? How can a student be excluded from sports for an "N" or "AC"? In a true competency-based system, students are encouraged to learn at their own pace, and should not be excluded from sports if they are taking more time to learn than others. How are you motivating students to be self -directed and providing support to those that are not? Why was the reassessment policy not addressed with all components considered? And why was a policy not written prior to the rolling out of the grading system? And these are just a few of the many questions parents and students have asked and still do not have answers to.

By signing this petition I request that the Epping School District come together with parents, students, and community members to create a system of grading that is fair and well thought out so that our children are not subject to hasty implementation of an experimental grading system. 

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
I am so happy to see all of us coming together for the sake of our students (both current and future). I wanted to update you all that this is on the agenda for the next school board meeting- January 17th at 7pm at the Epping Town Hall. I encourage you all the attend to ensure our voices are heard!

Feel free to reach out with any questions
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