Rename "Plantation Resort" Neighborhood in Frisco, TX

The name of the neighborhood I grew up in is called "Plantation Resort," and the main street name is "Plantation Lane." Such a name glorifies a hideous era plagued by slavery and ignores the gross oppression black folk have faced and continue to face.

As a privileged white community in Frisco, TX, we must acknowledge our positions and use our platforms and resources to be actively ant-racist. We must pay more attention. We must honor, support, and stand with our black community at all times. We cannot let such a disrespectful and ignorant name represent this community.

I do not mean to speak for the black community in Frisco. I am not black and I will never understand the oppression and injustice black folk face. I hope to use my white skin as a platform to communicate with other privileged folk to actively fight racism and end the white supremacist ideals that my hometown neighborhood is named after.

Sign this petition to change the name of my neighborhood!

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