Just as "SOPA", a bill introduced in the House of Representatives would stifle FREE SPEECH and allow big corporations to determine what websites you can view, a similar bill in the Senate, called "PIPA" (s.968 - Protect IP Act) essentially does the same thing and may come up for a vote this month. Its name is meant to confuse the American people. PIPA does anything BUT PROTECT INTERNET FREEDOM. If you're in favor of a FREE INTERNET, this bill MUST be STOPPED!  URGE YOUR SENATOR TO STAND UP AGAINST ONLINE CENSORSHIP AND VOTE NO ON "PIPA".
Our Constitution specifically grants the freedom of speech to all Americans. The Internet has become a major tool that many Americans have chosen to exercise that right. The PIPA ACT, whose full title is the Protect IP Act (s.968) is a misnomer, since the only thing that is protected is the right of BIG CORPORATIONS to determine what websites Americans can view on the internet. Enough is enough! As a constituent, I am asking you to please STAND UP FOR FREE SPEECH in America and VOTE NO on PIPA.
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