Age of Mythology HD/Steam version

This is a petition to Microsoft, humbly requesting that they bring Age of Mythology to Steam, or to remake it into a HD version as was done with Age of Empires II. Microsoft still sells this highly regarded game at retail to this day, but has not made any attempt to sell them on Steam or any other digital distribution service.

All we ask is that Microsoft bring this amazing game to Steam, even at the same price point as retail would be fine, but please stop leaving this money on the table! We want to give you our money, why pass up this opportunity? Look at how well Age of Empires II has done since it was re-released on steam - Age of Mythology is another fan favourite that would do even better with a HD version. 

The Age of empires II Developers have been saying that they want to see if the community wants Age Of mythology - let's show them we want for them to make it a reality and bring this amazing game back to life.

* Note to those signing the petition, please check and make sure you read carefully, uncheck any checkboxes, this site sadly seems to have a tendency to try and persuade you to sign controversial petitions with a little checkbox, in the hopes that you're not reading.

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