New York- Stop jailing people for Adult Consensual Incest (ACI)

  • av: Richard M
  • mottagare: Attorney General of New York, Eric Schneiderman

The present New York laws against Adult Consensual Incest, are cruel, unjust, highly discriminatory, unconstitutional ( because they breach the individual's right to the pursuit of happiness), and in breach of United Nations human rights laws that protect the right of the individual to sexual autonomy and the right to have a family. New York, and other US states that also maintain such out-dated laws, need : to amend the law
against incest so that it is not applicable in the cases where participants are both
consenting adults over the age of 21. In addition, for those who have been convicted in
such circumstances to have both the custodial and non-custodial elements of their
sentences reviewed with a view to being quashed in light of any change to the law

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