Demand to stop harrasing Jantria Dailey and Children

Hey, Im Jantria Dailey! I currently lives in Greebrook Subdivion as Joyce Dukes Neighbor. She has been harrasing my children and I since we moved in. She states that I have taken her man Mr. RAymond Stokes. I dont know this man! she has alltercations with my visitors! She has interrupted my live beyond measures. My daughter is 6! She has woke up screaming that she hear MRA. Joyce when she say the man sexing her.

My children cant even play in the yard without her cursing at them or throwing objects at them. It can be 3 am in the moring she is up outside beating on her bar be gue pit, we can hear her saying get the child molester off your child ass and more crazy allegations to wake us. She will call the police saying he just ram out the door. They come fast and believe her to me cause its been two years of her calling the police on my babies. The previous tenant and family had this same problem! Eric had this problem before he passed he lives on the other side of her. She has called the utilities company, Child Protection, etc.. 

 I have been to the Mayor Office, SPD administration, took a petition from residents in the community to the Housing Office, my Landlord even reached out to Billy Casidy ( spelling may be off)! Please help me by signing this petition! I should be able to live in my home in peace!!! This is a clear sign that something is wrong?!! She has threatened to kill my children, set the house on fire and beat my children! The police say its hearsay! Y'all my last hope! I even try to leave for the weekend but I'm need to be at home with my babies.

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