Demand our rights as pet parents

    I'm a proud momma to two pit bulls and a cat and unfortunately I was made by my pups mental state of being to protective of me, I had to put him down. So he had attacked my 28 yr old son merely for me walking around them playing ball in the floor. I made my best choice as responsible pet owner Zeus-A-Million Hudson Lewis had to be put down at age 2 yrs. 21 days old. When I called several places that had already made interaction with Zeus I decided to use my family pet vet to accommodate me in this very painful and tragic loss we had an agreement that I could be with him and hold his paw as he went down, and no one spoke of how rabies test were performed, until he was there doped up with an ungodly amount of sleep meds. Then the vet dr. Choi came out asking what I want to do with him when he's down. She went through several options and of course I wanted cremation and that's when she just blurted out you do know they cut the head off and send it to testing. I've got 4 different mental disorders and I don't cope in tradigy very well and Zeus was my baby more than probably my human boys. I nursed him from 3 days old and we were similar in so many aspects of our lives. I never received his head back which bothers me tremendously today. I look at his box and know he's not whole. That's probably why he won't come to me in my dreams. They could of did their test and sent his head back cremated and placed back with the rest of his ashes. Not for just Zeus but mainly for my peace my baby was laid down humanly. There needs to be a law stating Vets and testing facilities send back the parts of our fur babies they need for testing so our minds can rest at peace. Grieving over our loss of a family member is hard enough not to mention they are not whole to Rest In Peace. Please support this petition so I may be able to help someone else's grieve of knowing their baby was not cared for properly to be resting whole.
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