Demand for Art building development transparency

University of Texas at RGV Art department students are demanding for transparency and communication regarding the ongoing development and eventual move to our new building. we believe it is essential to have access to timely updates and insights into the progress and efforts being made towards this significant transition.

  1. Dedicated Website: We demand the immediate creation of a dedicated website for the art department, providing detailed updates on the new building's development, including architectural plans, construction progress, and timelines.

  2. Instagram Account: The establishment of an official Instagram account solely dedicated to transparently documenting the progress of the new building through visual updates and behind-the-scenes content.

  3. Bi-Weekly Updates: We require bi-weekly updates on both the website and Instagram account, delivering comprehensive information on the development status, challenges faced, and milestones achieved.

  4. Development Timeline: We mandate the inclusion of a detailed development timeline on the website, regularly updated to accurately track progress and inform students about the project's timeline.

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