Canada Is Banning Cosmetic Testing on Animals, but It's Still Legal in the United States

After years of pressure by animal advocates and experts, Canada is finally moving forward with a ban on cosmetic testing on animals! This is a huge victory for animal rights, and now it is time for the United States to follow suit!

Sign now to tell the United States Congress that it is time to finally ban testing of cosmetics on animals for good!

An estimated 500,000 animals suffer from cosmetics tests every year, many of them dying from toxic exposure or pain and shock. Cosmetics testing procedures are unbeatably cruel. Innocent rabbits, guinea pigs, and mice live their entire lives in labs, never knowing freedom, fresh air, or enrichment. Animals are painfully restrained. They are force-fed toxic chemicals. Their fur is shaved off and their skin burned. They're forced to breathe in toxic chemicals, give birth to deformed babies, and most are eventually killed after their bodies have been so brutally used. 

But it doesn't have to be this way -- and Canada's recent decision proves that.

There are countless ingredients already approved for cosmetic use, and better technology is helping improve the industry's safety standards as well. We cannot continue to allow innocent animals to continue to suffer unnecessarily!

Yet cosmetic testing on animals is legal in the vast majority of states in this country, even though more and more Americans think this practice is inhumane. Sign the petition now to tell the government of the United States: ban cosmetic testing on animals and end this suffering!
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