Tell Pennsylvania to Make Bestiality a Felony!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Pennsylvania Legislature
A professor at the Pennsylvania State University, known popularly as Penn State, has been charged with multiple misdemeanor charges, including having sexual intercourse an animal, after employees found trail footage of the act at Rothrock State Forest.

Animals can never consent or defend themselves in acts like this, and we must protect them at all costs from this kind of sexual abuse.

To make matters worse, this is not the first time this man has been caught on trail cameras engaging in sexual acts with animals. Clearly a simple misdemeanor is not enough to stop this abusive, coercive behavior.

Sign now to demand that the Pennsylvania Legislature make sex with an animal a felony, not a misdemeanor!

As the law currently stands, the punishment for bestiality is a misdemeanor -- punishable by a simple fine and a few years in jail. Clearly, this misdemeanor alone is not working. To better protect animals, we must demand that forcing an animal into a sexual act be made a felony, and that those who are found guilty are never allowed to own or be in contact with animals ever again.
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