UNC SJP Demands that UNC-CH Divest from Israeli Genocide and Apartheid

    Our full statement of demands is at tinyurl.com/uncchapelhillsjp.

    These are our demands:

    We demand that UNC divest from products supporting Israeli genocide, apartheid, and settler colonialism. Specifically, we call for them to divest from Sabra hummus, HP technologies, and Caterpillar construction vehicles and/or construction contractors that use Caterpillar vehicles. This demand also includes divesting from UNC’s study abroad programs in Israel, as well as any other UNC-sponsored travel to Israel.
    We demand that UNC set up a commission that works with both students and faculty in order to account for, plan for, and report on how UNC will take immediate and long term steps to divest from Israeli apartheid.
    We demand that UNC commit to transparency regarding its activities through the UNC system’s investment vehicle (e.g., “The Fund”) and dedicate itself to more democratic and socially responsible investment prerogatives. We refuse to have our tax dollars and tuition go towards the military-industrial complex, dirty energy, or the carceral system.

    We are not the only group at UNC demanding changes in the face of the genocidal policies of the Israeli government.
    Here is a petition from graduate students, staff, and faculty at UNC: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScB7CaDj3suDbAb_7dW24ufj73jYOUws3IR_ZqyZ2tqaTyJAg/viewform
    Here is a petition from students at Gillings:
    Here is a petition to reinstate SJP at Florida schools:

    You are able to sign this petition either anonymously or with your name. As Zionists love to target vulnerable workers and students, please take your safety into account.
    Signera petitionen
    Signera petitionen
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