• av: 
  • mottagare: Tom Wilson Communication Supervisor Kelowna City Hall, Mayor Walter Gray, Marlon Bartram Executive Director of the Kelowna Right to Life Society
A women's right to choose!!!! Kelowna city hall is considering flying a "Pro Life" during their self procalimed "Protect Human Life" week in september. Kelowna could become the first city in British Columbia to fly a "pro-life" flag over city hall. Marlon Bartram of "Right to life" in Kelowna made this statement " "I think 'pro-life' is a very — I mean, it maybe has some history to it, for sure, but if you break it down, it's just we're for human life. There's nothing controversial there's nothing particularly political or religious about that statement," Bartram said. If you also believe a "Pro Life" flag has no place at a City Hall ANYWHERE in BC or Canada, please sign this petition and pass it along.
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