Tell the City we want to rebuild the Angus R. Goss Memorial Pool for our Seminole Heights community!!!!

The Angus R. Goss Memorial community pool has been closed for years and we want the city to restore and bring it back for our Seminole Heights residents and also so that Hillsborough HS swim team can use it once again instead of having to go further away to another pool. A survey was sent to all neighborhood associations and showed that a majority of the respondents prefer a pool over a community garden, dog park, or pocket park. The City put a small dog park on the premises, but really do we need another dog park? There are already 2 dog parks within Seminole Heights. We need to save our pool and for the sake of Angus Goss' name who died in World War II fighting in battle and was a resident of SH and also a graduate of HHS. We need a place where families can come together and enjoy a pool. Let's make this happen! Please also take our pool survey at:  SAVEOURPOOL survey For more info you can also visit

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