Cancel Qatar World Cup 2022

  • av: Anonymous
  • mottagare: FIFA, UEFA Champions League, AFC Champions League, CONCACAF, Confederation of African Football, Copa Libertadores, Oceania Football Confederation,

It is well documented that Qatar 'bought' the 2022 World Cup through bribery via Mohammed bin Hammam who was president of the Asian Football Confederation at the time of it being awarded to them.

When the development of stadiums started, they started hiring workers from Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other developing neighbouring countries.

One of the most touched-on issues of the Qatar world cup is the treatment of workers hired to build the infrastructure. These workers are systematically abused every single day, workers are exploited to a level that they are forced to sign false statements that they had received their wages in order to regain their passports. These workers are treated as slaves. It has become an open jail for workers specially from Nepal.

Number of Nepalese workers have faced poor conditions as companies handling construction for 2022 World Cup infrastructure forced workers to stay by denying them promised salaries and withholding necessary worker ID permits, rendering them illegal aliens. Evidence has been found to suggest that thousands of Nepalese, who make up the single largest group of labourers in Qatar, face exploitation and abuses that amount to modern-day slavery, as defined by the International Labour Organisation, during a building binge paving the way for 2022." Nepalese workers in Qatar have been dying at a rate of one per day.

These workers are living in labour camps with unsanitary and dilapidated conditions. Workers have confirmed that they were promised high salaries before coming to Qatar and then their contracts were destroyed upon their arrival to Qatar. Some said they had not been paid in months, but the construction companies denied them their worker IDs or passports, rendering them trapped. Workers described having to beg for food and being beaten. They could try to escape, but if caught without proper papers, they would be arrested.

After recent earthqauke in Nepal, many workers lost their loved ones and wanted to go back to Nepal but they were denied from going back.

Please sign the petition to force FIFA to withdraw this world cup from Qatar.

We do not want to see the beautiful game played in the field built upon the blood of these innocent people.

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