Please Save Our Family!

  • av: Michelle Lasorsa
  • mottagare: The Family Court of Philadelphia/ DHS Philadelphia
I am begging anyone and everyone who believes in keeping family together to read and sign this petition.
My husband and I received custody of our Great Niece and Nephew after our Niece lost them to DHS due to a drug addiction.
My husband and I took Julian (age 5) and Aviyana (age 3) two hours after we got the call from Julians father. We had a small one bedroom apartment in Philadelphia at the time and I was living in a Delaware County recovery house fighting a long and difficult battle with an addiction to prescription pain medication. I am proud to say that I won that fight and I now stand alongside other patients who have fallen prey to this epidemic that kills millions of people every year. The reason I tell this to you is because I need you to know the position my husband and I were in when we got custody. We had to make difficult and major life changing decisions. This was supposed to be the time for me to heal and continue my recovery. It was a crucial time for me. And, we weren't financially able to move.
But... We found a 4 bedroom home in Delaware County, we moved in within 3 weeks of getting the kids. I got a full time job and found a live in babysitter. We wanted the kids to feel like they had thier FIRST stable home. We let them pick thier beds and sheets because it was the first time they had thier own rooms.
My husband and I began to see thier emotional and behavioural issues, we saw the damage that was done to them. So we spent every moment making a home life for them with the structure and love they needed.
Julian has thumb dysplasia and has a handicap that he has overcome since birth. My husband also has a handicap that is similar, he was born with partial cerbral palsey and his left arm does not work and is visibly smaller he has been able to help him with this issue. Aviyana has severe abandonment issues and she displays many traits of a toddler who will eventually have bipolar disorder. I was a child with rage and panic disorder just like her. I see myself in her. So I have bonded with her and her and I have been able to address this issue as a team and without the usual obstacles that most parents or caregivers would have. And , to be very honest, I am scared to death that whoever has her will lose patience and discipline her in t re wrong ways and even do what most caregivers do to children like I was...and physically abuse her or mentally abuse her with frustrated screaming. Its a fact that children like her and I, 90% of the time, are disciplined without the correct knowledge of our disorders.
My husband and I have gotten both of them medically up to date and they have dental issues we have already addressed. Julian has already had two teeth pulled and has to be put under anesthesia to have all of his teeth saved due to bottle rot and bad hygiene for the first 4 years of his life. And Aviyana need sseveral teeth filled for the same reason.
We waited to put them in school until we felt We got thier behavioral issues takken care of (they hit and would bite others because of the displays of physical abuse they witnessed). DHS said we needed to put them in school. They said they would pay for it. So...I looked into the schools DHS offered us. I checked 5 of them and all of them were just a gymnasium with no academic foundation and unhealthy meals and an 18 to 1 ratio. I found a school that I found acceptable and enrolled them. We paid $400.00/week. Now our finances have almost quadrupled. It was worth it. The kids LOVED school and the teachers love them. Everyday after school we rode our bike's on our block where Julian met his "best friend" ...they would greet each other with a big and leave each other with a big. Aviyana was taken under the wing of several older (6 yr old) girls. And the parents and I began to have a very great relationship.
Everyday the kids would video chat with thier mom and family. Even Julians paternal family who sued us for custody in the beginning and used accusations and anger ...loved what we had done with him.
Oh...and I forgot to tell you all that 8 days after we moved into this home Julians father OD'd on heroin and we had to tell Julian his Dad went to heaven. And after that his paternal family, who never called or tried to be with Julian... All of a sudden tried to fight us for custody... And lost.
Anyway...we had them the home they deserved and they were happy and safe and secure.
Then one day thier Mother called and wanted to come over. I said no. She showed up anyway. Once the kids saw her I couldn't kick her out so I let her stay for a couple of hours. Well, she went to her methadone clinic and told everyone who would listen...she showed pictired. Someone called DHS and by 10 pm that night a social worker took the kids and left. They brought them to an older woman's house in Philadelphia. We had enough time to prepare them that they were going to just stay with someone until we got things straightened put.
Our Kids are at some strangers house in Philadelphia. She is an older woman ...we can hardly keep up with two toddlers! They won't go to school...which is what Julian asked as he was shuttled put the door, "am I going to school tomorrow?".
The thought of them in a house in Philly...having to play outside in a trashed lined sidewalk. Being taken care of by an older woman who I know will not be able to keep up with them. The thought of them talking to her and her not understanding what they say cause Julian has two front teeth put and talks different. Aviyanas rage and temperment outbursts. I didn't get a chance to Let her know that Julian likes peanut butter but Ago hates it. Tell her that she needs her blanked and likes a certain song before she sleeps...they don't have thier blanked or toys or anything they like and that makes them content and safe!!!
I need your help!!! These kids have only known thier mother who always lived above us...and us!!! Dhs actually tore these kids out of thier safe place at 10 pm and dropped them off wi t a strange old lady in Philly!
My husband and I have a lawyer and over 50 signed reference letters and character depositions, we even have the support of every social worker that has dealt with us!
Our lawyer says it looks good...but Now I need anyone and everyone to sign this petition. Please!!!! We need you to help get them home!!
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