Justice for Texas Man Tased to Death!

On May 16th, Fort Worth police raided Jarmaine Darden's home in search of cocaine. The 34-year-old father was asleep on the couch when the police entered, and couldn't drop to the floor as commanded due to his asthma. The police then pulled him off of the couch, laid him on his stomach and tased him twice.

Darden stopped breathing and died after police tased him a second time. Their drug raid didn't even uncover any cocaine. 

Tasers are used as a safer alternative to guns, but they can be deadly when used improperly. Please sign the petition to urge Fort Worth police to train their officers more thoroughly on taser use to prevent serious injury and death.

As you may know, on May 16th, Fort Worth police raided Jarmaine Darden's home in search of cocaine. The 34-year-old father was asleep on the couch when the police entered, and couldn't drop to the floor as commanded due to his asthma. The police then pulled him off of the couch, laid him on his stomach and tased him twice.

Darden stopped breathing and died after police tased him a second time. Their drug raid didn't even uncover any cocaine. 

Tasers are used as a safer alternative to guns, but they can be deadly when used improperly. We respectfully urge you to train their officers more thoroughly on taser use to prevent serious injury and death in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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