Recall AZ Senator Kyrsten Sinema

    Democratic senator Kyrsten Sinema, AZ., has voted against her party, her campaign promise, and the American people at large.
    AZ voters supported her campaign trusting that she would deliver tangible assistance in return by delivering them the $15 minimum wage increase she planked on.
    All working people desperately need this pay increase to help combat the undue hardships exacerbated by Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns, etc..
    However, her NO VOTE clearly demonstrates to constituents her inability to recognize or appreciate the magnitude of suffering working people continue to endure.
    While their taxes pay for her ample salary and quality healthcare herself & family enjoy- She repaid them with an animated curtsy & thumbs down NO vote on the $15 wage.
    This bizaar display seemed to amplify her utter disdain/apathy for the very people she is supposed to represent.
    Ultimately, the decision to deny her constituents and all Americans this MODEST economic life line in a time of unprecedented CRISIS constitutes criminal negligence and a deliberate dereliction of duty.
    We demand representation.
    We demand a recall election.
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